Fifteen year old Yuri Shibuya lived a normal life in Japan before he was flushed into an alternate world. After much confusion, he learned that he was in the Great Demon Kingdom and that he was the rightful Demon King. He didn't want to accept his new position at first, but eventually came around and took on the responsibilities. The only thing was that Yuri hated violence and wanted everything to be solved in the most peaceful way possible. He did not know much about the alternate world though, and was constantly getting into trouble - such as accidentally proposing to Wolfram his first night there. Bouncing back and forth between Japan and the Demon Kingdom, Yuri came to accept both worlds as his home and loved both equally. Yuri might have been young and may not have been the smartest boy in the world, but he had immense powers and learned to be a great king with time and help from all of his friends. He just needed to learn how to control his impulsive attitude and think about his actions before going through with them. |
Wolfram von Bielefeld was the youngest son of the former Demon Queen. He was very much a spoiled brat who didn't take to authority very well before Yuri came along. Wolfram was very insulted when Yuri proposed to him, but warmed up to the idea quickly. He took to the role of jealous fiance and also to sleeping in Yuri's bed, much to Yuri's dismay. Wolfram grew up a lot since Yuri came to the Demon Kingdom and a lot of that had to do with his relationship with the young king. He was still a spoiled brat, but Wolfram had someone to care about other than himself and it matured him a lot. Yuri also taught him to care about others as well, such as Wolfram's older brother Conrad who was half human. Wolfram always loved Conrad, but would not admit it because that would be showing compassion to humans. Even though Yuri might not have been too keen on the idea of being betrothed to Wolfram, there wasn't really much of a chance of him getting out of it if Wolfram had any say. |
Conrard "Conrad" Weller was the second son of the former Demon Queen. His father was a human, so he was only half demon and did not possess any magical powers. Nontheless, he decided to live out his life as one of the Demon Tribe instead of staying with the humans. Conrad was in love with a woman named Julia, but she died during the war between the demons and humans. When she died, he was given the job of transporting her soul to another world so it could be reborn as the new Demon King, Yuri. Conrad was made Yuri's godfather because of the kindness he showed to Yuri's mother when she was in labor. When Yuri finally came to the Demon Kingdom, Conrad vowed to stay by his side and protect him from all harm. Conrad was an expert swordsman and took on any opponant without hesitation. He treated Yuri as if he was his own son and wanted to ensure his safety at all costs, even if it meant putting himself in harms way. |
Gwendal von Voltaire was the eldest son of the former Demon Queen, Lady Celi. Tall, dark, and with a scowl always planted on his face, Gwendal did not accept Yuri as his king at first. He thought that he would make a better candidate for king and resented the fact that a loudmouthed child would be given the position. Gwendal did come around eventually though and came to respect Yuri. While Gwendel always seemed angry at the world, he did have a soft spot for cute little things. He liked to knit animals in his spare time, but didn't appreciate when people talked about it. The one thing that Gwendal was scared of was Anissina, resident inventor of the Demon Kingdom. While the two knew each other since childhood, Gwendal still disliked being her guinea pig for every invention she thought up. |
Gunter von Kleist became Yuri's personal assistant of sorts when the king came to the Demon Kingdom. He was an accomplished swordsman and all around fighter and knew how to take care of himself despite his delicate appearance. He loved Yuri unconditionally and would let anyone who wanted to know hear all about it. He loved protecting Yuri and teaching him about the Demon Kingdom. What he didn't like though, was being constantly left behind when Yuri decided to go on one of his journeys. Gunter was rarely invited and it always broke his heart to see Yuri go away. Gunter's feelings were always left right out in the open, and his emotional breakdowns were some of the funniest parts of the show. |
Ken Murata was Yuri's good friend from Japan who was the reason Yuri's head got shoved down the toilet in the first place. He always seemed to be around when Yuri jumped back and forth to the Demon Kingdom, but he never asked any questions. One time, Murata ended up in the alternate world with Yuri and wasn't confused at all. Yuri wondered how he knew the language and how Murata seemed to know more about the world than he did, but Murata kept up his act. It turned out that he was the great wise man of the Demon Kingdom and knew about Yuri the whole time. He only came to the alternate world when he was needed and became an advisor of sorts to Yuri. |
Josak was Conrad's good friend and war buddy before becoming a sort of bodyguard to Yuri. A master of disguise, Josak always tried to blend in with the locals until trouble arose and he was needed. At first, he didn't want to follow Yuri or treat him as king, but eventually came around. He probably initally didn't think that Yuri was the best man for the job, but Josak came to respect the young king's ways when Yuri put his absolute trust into Josak. Yuri entrusted Josak with the jewel from the Demon Sword Morgif - the source of the sword's unbelievable power. Josak took on this great responsibility and also protected Yuri from harms way, no matter what. |
Greta first came onto the show proclaiming to be "the ill-begotten offspring of his royal highness". When Yuri came to investigate this claim, Greta pulled a knife on him and proceeded to try and kill him. Yuri came out with no more than a twisted ankle and decided to take Greta on vacation with him. He wanted to find out why she attacked him and try to stop her from acting that way again. It turned out that Greta had lost her parents and was raised in a castle by her aunt and uncle. She didn't think that they liked her, but since they hated the Demon King, she decided that assassinating him would change their minds about her. Greta and Yuri became very close in a short amount of time and she couldn't understand how he could love her even though she tried to kill him. Greta ended up being adopted by Yuri, thereby officially making her the daughter of the Demon King (though not ill-begotten anymore).
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